Remote Public Comment Sign-Up
Those looking to provide public comment remotely must complete the form below. The deadline to sign up for remote public comment is 4 p.m. the night of the meeting. Directions on how to participate remotely will be sent to your email by 5 p.m. on the evening of the meeting you've signed up to speak at. The City Clerk will email you to confirm that your form has been received.
Please Note: By completing the form below, you are signing up to provide remote public comment only. The City Clerk will remove you from the virtual meeting once you have had the opportunity to comment. All City of Shelton public meetings are livestreamed on the City's YouTube channel:
Notice of Disclosure: All emails, and attachments, sent to and from the City of Shelton are public records and may be subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW).
Instructions for Public Comment During a Meeting
- All public comments are limited to 3 minutes.
- To provide opportunity for public comment and ensure orderly conduct at meetings, the City intends to establish a limited public forum and will provide time on its agenda to hear comments from the public on matters concerning City of Shelton business.
- All public comments must relate to the business of the City of Shelton or issues being considered on the meeting agenda. Inappropriate and/or prohibited content will not be allowed during public comment.
- Examples of inappropriate and/or prohibited content include:
- Promoting or advertising commercial services, entities, or products;
- Supporting or opposing political candidates or ballot propositions;
- Violent, threatening, or obscene language, content, or behavior;
- Encouraging illegal activity;
- Promoting, fostering, or perpetuating harassment or discrimination on the basis of creed, color, age, religion, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or protected status;
- Content that may potentially compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems;
- Violating legal ownership or copyrights;
- Sexual content;
- Content that interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting
- Due to time constraints, each speaker shall limit their comments to a maximum of 3 minutes. Time allotted for public comment will generally be limited to 30 minutes in total.
- The Mayor may limit or stop any public comment that does not abide by the rules listed above and may mute remote speakers who are violating these rules.