Safe Routes to School Roadway Crossing Improvements
The purpose of the Safe Routes to School program is to improve safety and mobility for children by enabling and encouraging them to walk or bicycle to school. The Safe Routes to School program provides funding to communities through a competitive application process. Eligible projects are those located within two miles of primary, middle, or high schools.
Project Locations
The City is currently working on Safe Routes to School improvement projects at the following locations:
- North 9th Street between West Franklin Street and the alley to the south
- Intersection of West Franklin and North 7th Streets
- Existing pedestrian crossing across Shelton Springs Road, just north of the south driveway for Shelton High School

May 13: The intersection of 7th and Franklin Streets will be closed on Friday, May 17 from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. for paving. Please avoid the area if possible and use the detour routes. For those traveling southbound, the detour route is North 7th Street/West Cedar Street/North 5th Street. For those traveling northbound, the detour route is Railroad Avenue/North 5th Street. Thank you for your patience!
Past Updates
- May 1: The project contractor is working on the north side of West Franklin Street today between 8th and 10th Streets. This closure will impact one side of Evergreen Elementary School's parking lot. Work is scheduled until 4 p.m. today. Please use caution when traveling in the area.
- April 24: On Thursday, April 25, 9th Street will be closed between West Franklin Street and the alley from approximately 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. This closure is for work on the Safe Routes to School project in the area.
- April 18: Customers located on West Franklin Street between 5th and 8th Streets will have no water on Monday, April 22 from approximately 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. due to work on the Safe Routes to School project in their area. Impacted customers have also previously received a doorhanger with this information. This shutoff will not impact Safeway.
- March 21: Work is set to begin on our Safe Routes to School projects on Monday, March 25. Work is currently scheduled through May 24. Work sites will include North 9th Street, West Franklin Street, North 7th Street, and Shelton Springs Road.
Each of the identified Safe Routes to School projects will include different improvements:
- North 9th Street between West Franklin Street and the alley to the south
- Sidewalk 6 feet wide or greater, with curb and gutter
- Curb extensions on both sides of the southeast corner of the Franklin/9th Street intersection
- ADA curb ramp retrofits
- Intersection of West Franklin and North 7th Streets
- Curb extensions on both sides of all four corners of the intersection
- Pedestrian crosswalk markings on all "legs" (sections) of the intersection
- Rectangular rapid flashing beacons across 7th Street on the north side of the intersection
- ADA curb ramp retrofits
- Audible pedestrian signal
- Existing pedestrian crossing across Shelton Springs Road just north of the south driveway for Shelton High School
- Median refuge island
- Pedestrian crosswalk markings
- ADA curb ramp retrofits
- Rectangular rapid flashing beacons
- Audible pedestrian signal
- October 2023: Design completed
- December 2023: Bidding
- June 2024: Expected construction complete
- Engineering firm: RH2 Engineers
- Engineer's estimate: $889,923
- Project funding: $770,103 from WSDOT Safe Routes to School program, $119,820 City match